
"Within one day I felt a lot calmer"

Before joining the course, I was sceptical about meditation as I had tried to teach myself numerous times without success. I was amazed at how simple yet effective Mira's method is. Within one day I was sleeping better and felt a lot calmer. I'd recommend this course to anyone and I look forward to maintaining my meditation for the rest of my life.

Sam Windle

IT Consultant

"Can't recommend highly enough!"

Mira is a wonderful teacher. I learnt so much, in such a conducive and calming environment. Her warmth and skill helped me experience the benefits of meditation immediately, and her support has proved invaluable.

Her ways of explaining the technique and significance of meditation have really stayed with me and sustained me. The course has had such a positive impact on my life, even just in the few weeks since the course. I can't recommend Mira's work highly enough!

Katherine Angel - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Katherine Angel

Author and Academic

"Instant benefit to my ability to concentrate"

I wasn't sure before I started that any kind of meditation was for me. It seemed like a big commitment and a big step to take. However, Mira has been brilliant both during the course and since. She let us take things at our own pace and has been there for me with answers to my questions and general support when I have needed it.

I had an instant benefit to my energy and ability to concentrate and have since felt more comfortable in my own skin as well as with others.

Keith Burnet - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Keith Burnet

Director of Communications

"I feel like I've been given a gift"

I learnt Vedic Meditation with Mira a couple of months ago and it was an amazing experience. I'd tried mindfulness a number of times over the years and had never been able to make it stick. With Mira's teaching, I felt benefit from meditation pretty much from day one, and two months on I really feel it's made my life better.

Mira was excellent at explaining abstract concepts clearly with everyday analogies that really made the concepts stick - and her drawings and diagrams were very good too! She really helped me understand everything clearly.

The whole course was excellent and I'd highly recommend Mira if you're interested in Vedic Meditation. I feel like I've been given a gift.

Miranda Gowlland - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Miranda Gowlland

Marketing Consultant

"I am surprising myself at how calm I am"

I had been meditating using apps on and off for a number of years, but never managed to keep it up. I saw some light benefits but I wanted to find something deeper and something easier that I could maintain. I had heard about mantra based meditation (the kind that Mira teaches) through friends and looked it up, and found Mira. I joined the free intro talk, then the course. Mira was warm, informative, open and relatable.

During the course I was able to ask lots of questions and Mira was excellent at explaining concepts clearly. So much of what she explained about stress and using meditation to release it, made sense to me and the more I meditate, the more I find it all to be true.

Since learning this easy meditation technique only a few weeks ago, my sleep is much deeper, I'm not waking up every hour, I am much more focused at work and I am getting more done, I have energy to enjoy life after work (which wasn't always the case before), and my levels of stress and anxiety have significantly decreased.

I am surprising myself at how calm I am in situations in which I would have normally felt overwhelmed. I also haven't missed a single meditation since learning! I actually look forward to the moment I meditate, which is a game changer when you've been trying other meditation techniques that aren't sticking.

I loved learning with Mira and I am so grateful for her teachings at the course and beyond!

Laetitia Martin - Testimonial for Mira Meditation


Digital Marketing and Fundraising Consultant

"An incredible experience"

I had been interested in Vedic Meditation for a while after hearing so many rave reviews. I'm so glad I did the course with Mira. It's literally changed my life. Helping me sleep, giving me better energy but most importantly, little things that used to bother me just don't nearly as much any more. Simply, I feel more "zen", less stressed and far more relaxed.

I think this course can help everybody. I highly recommend anyone thinking about doing the course to do it. I'm really happy I got to do it with Mira. She explains everything in such a simple way and helps it all make sense. She really does everything she can to make sure you get the most out of the course. This was an incredible experience, Vedic Meditation is super powerful. Thanks Mira!

James Williamson - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

James Williamson

Yacht Racer

"Felt benefits within the first couple of days"

I took the four day course with Mira. She is absolutely fantastic. She teaches everything in an easy to understand, down-to-earth way. She also has a very kind and welcoming air, which makes it easy to ask questions or clarify concerns, no matter how basic you may feel they are.

The meditation she teaches has proven surprisingly easy to incorporate into my day-to-day life and I honestly felt the benefits within the first couple of days.

I had tried apps before and always found that they were nice but didn't quite hit that spot, plus they were far too easy to put off till tomorrow (until they eventually ended up deleting themselves from my phone screen...).

I was also apprehensive in case the course would require me to take time off work, but that wasn't necessary at all. Once the course is over, Mira continues to check in and you have lifetime access to the online group meditations too. I highly recommend!

Ramyanagesh Li

Ramya Nagesh


"My mind is so much clearer, lighter, more settled"

I always knew meditation was supposed to relieve stress and improve sleep. But each time I resolved to do it - using apps and books, even braving local groups - I always found it difficult. Learning the Vedic technique with Mira has been absolutely transformative. I now have an easy daily meditation practice that I can trust, and leaves me feeling refreshed, calmer and much happier.

Mira is an excellent and experienced teacher. She teaches in small groups, so there is plenty of space for individual attention and questions, and her course is clearly structured. She communicates with warmth and humour, and has expert knowledge, both of ancient traditions and contemporary evidence-based scientific studies.

Since doing the course, I am finding my daily life so much easier. I am in my mid 40s, with a young family and a busy job, and have worried about the toll the last couple of years especially have taken on my health. But since learning meditation my mind feels so much clearer, lighter and more settled. I procrastinate less at work, and am far more patient and playful with my kids and (I think!) nicer to be around. I used to often feel frazzled, but now my energy levels are so much improved that I’ve stopped drinking caffeine, and I can’t remember the last time I pressed snooze on my alarm.

I wondered how on earth I would find the time to meditate twice a day for 20 minutes, but now I believe I can’t afford not to take that time. I can't recommend Mira and her Vedic Meditation course highly enough.

Tiffany - Vedic Meditation For Stress In London

Tiffany Watt Smith

Academic and Author

"I feel the benefits right away!"

I've done the course with Mira and I fully recommend it. She is a great teacher with passion for meditation and even offers support after the course ends.

Before the course, I found it difficult to find a technique that resonates with me. I'd tried focusing on the breath, picturing a flower, candle and yet they felt like shallow practices, not diving deep enough for my perfectionist needs.

I find this meditation extremely powerful and feel the benefits right away! It's impressive, I'm amazed.

Sandra Simion - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Sandra Simion

Project Executive


The ease of Vedic Meditation has turned a 'to-do' into an enjoyable moment of my day that my mind/body is happy to stick to. Mira is phenomenal as a teacher, and delivers the perfect balance of information and practical tips. Benefits for me include more energy and better sleep. I very much recommend this course!


Elena Utrera

Executive Coach and Talent Management

More productivity, less procrastination

I had tried meditation on and off before taking the course but struggled to stay consistent. Mira was really friendly and understanding as a teacher, making the course very relatable and provided lots of tips about fitting Vedic Meditation into a busy lifestyle.

Since the course I have had noticeably reduced anxiety as well as increased productivity / less procrastination. I would definitely recommend the course to anyone who is curious about meditation and the benefits it provides!

Ellen Anderson - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Ellen Anderson

Account Manager

"I really recommend it"

Mira is a fantastic Vedic Meditation teacher!

She is kind and patient and has so much knowledge about how Vedic Meditation works and how to use it. Even better - I'm still meditating. Which is longer than I have ever been able to last with other forms of meditation practice.

I would really recommend working with Mira if you get the chance to.

Lorna Fulton - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Lorna Fulton


"Absolutely fantastic"

Mira's meditation course is absolutely fantastic. She has a unique way of teaching the theories behind meditation while also making it attainable and accessible to people at various points on their meditation journey.

I was new to meditation (after having tried various apps - unsuccessfully) and found the way that Mira integrated the concepts and the actions extremely compelling and engaging. She is a fantastic teacher and does a beautiful job of honoring the history and teachings of Vedic Meditation and using current day examples to enhance the experience.

If you are looking to deepen or start meditation - Mira's program and ongoing support will expand your horizons and make your learning journey both fun and thoughtful. Thank you, Mira, for teaching me a new skill that I can carry throughout my life!

Rachel - Vedic Meditation For Stress In London

Rachel Kourakos

Professional Coach

Needing less sleep

I've been meditating with Mira since March 2020 and the results have made a significant improvement in my life since.

Mira is a very knowledgeable person and can break down the spiritual and science to a fundamental level which makes logical sense and is easy for anyone to understand.

Since learning to meditate I am more empathetic as a person and have found more nuance in my day to day life, with a more appreciative outlook. It's enabled me to look at life through a different lens, which ultimately has opened me up to new experiences.

On a physical & emotional level, I've found that I'm more energetic, generally feel healthier, less stressed and have better relationships with the people in my life. After a few months I've found that I require less sleep too, about an hour less every day. I've also found that I'm more in touch with my body and have learned to trust it more and know when and what my body needs to a high degree.

Pavan Patel - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Pavan Patel


"I couldn't be without it"

It’s been almost a year now since I was taught Vedic Meditation by Mira. I feel so grateful that I found her and took the course. I’m so happy to say it has been so easy to remain consistent with this type of meditation. I love getting up and doing my meditation every morning and afternoon – I always feel I’m missing out if I ever miss a session! It helps me de-stress, decompress and recentre. I couldn’t be without it!

Mira is a wonderful teacher – super professional, lovely, supportive and delivers information which is simple and easy to follow. She also possesses many golden nuggets of wisdom! I highly recommend!

Amy Harrison - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Amy Harrison

Therapist in Training

Sleeping much better

I was fortunate enough to attend one of Mira's courses this summer and have been very happy with the results. I had been searching for the right approach and the right person to help with this for some time, and I definitely found what I was looking for. Mira created a great learning environment and the course was highly practical and informative.

I have found that I have more energy, especially into the evening. I am also sleeping much better. 2020 has been a challenging year and it has been great to be able to use meditation as a counterbalance.

Yusef Mills - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Yusef Mills

Field Sales Manager

"I highly recommend studying with her"

I was so fortunate to study meditation with Mira in 2020. Mira is the most wonderful teacher, professional, wise, calm and with great passion for and insight into meditation and how it can help in your life. My intuition told me she was the right teacher for me and that was correct!

Mira explains the process of Vedic Meditation in a simple but in-depth way and her warmth and wisdom make the course and the ongoing practice of meditation such a delight. I highly recommend studying with her. Thank you Mira!

Petaridley - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Peta Ridley

Film Editor

Calm and energised in difficult times

I never thought I would learn meditation. However, when I came across Vedic Meditation and attended Mira's intro talk, I felt very curious and hopeful about it. During the four-day course with Mira, I felt at ease from the start and I was surprised about how well each day flowed after the other and how we started meditating from day one!

I had been struggling with my sleep for over two years. After the course, I found that it took me less time to fall asleep. And I didn’t dread going to bed anymore. I also found myself looking forward to my morning meditation because of the immediate increase of energy levels, clarity of mind and focus that I experienced during the day.

I’ve been meditating since October 2019 and since then, a lot has changed in my life. I feel that meditation has been a true and reliable companion throughout these nine months. I have no doubt it has really helped me stay calm and energised through events that could otherwise have felt quite stressful. Just to name some: pregnancy while looking for a new home; deciding to buy our first home; all the bureaucracy this entails; working full-time and on top of that the unexpected Covid 19 bringing uncertainty to our finances and life planning with a baby on the way; being alone through labour and 48 hours in hospital without my partner being allowed in due to Covid 19 rules; emergency C-Section; beautiful and healthy baby boy, followed by complications in the following weeks; then arranging the move to our new home!

During pregnancy, meditating twice a day gave me a sense of clarity and calmness to juggle it all while staying energised. Now our baby is four months old. I feel this meditation has also helped me fall asleep better and sleep throughout the night while our baby sleeps.

Thank you so much Mira for sharing this knowledge and for your ongoing support via email and club after the actual course.

Myrta Galache - Testimonial for Mira Meditation

Myrta Galache

Behaviour Analyst

Learn to Meditate

Join me for a free talk on Zoom. I'll explain all about meditation and answer your questions.