About Mira

I discovered Vedic Meditation back in 2010. I’d moved to London from the US and was leading a digital design project for Nike. I loved my job; I loved the buzz it gave me and the excitement of working in a high-pressured role. But I really struggled to switch off. I wasn’t sleeping well. I’d be thinking about a project at 2am, or worrying about a meeting that hadn’t gone how I wanted.

I heard about Vedic Meditation from a friend. She was noticeably calmer and happier, and I wanted some of that for myself.

I went along to a course, learned to meditate, and felt changes right away. Within days, I was sleeping better. I also felt more creative at work. I was presenting my designs better; I felt more confident and more energised. And I found myself laughing a lot more, at work and with my friends.

I wanted to share the benefits. So I decided to train to become a Vedic Meditation teacher. I studied in London for several years and spent three months training full-time in India.

I still get a buzz at work, but now it’s from teaching. I love seeing my students experience this meditation for themselves. It's a real pleasure to hear how it's changing their lives for the better, just like it did mine.

Vedic Meditation Teacher in London – Mira Meditation

Learn how to meditate with my Vedic Meditation courses in London.

Meet Me

Come and hear me speak at a free introductory session online.